Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 101

Summary - Essay Example The variables under investigation were the social capital and public engagement in public affairs, both of which are necessary in strengthening the responsiveness of civil societies and political institutions. These factors are necessary in maintaining healthy democracies in the society. The research method was a direct survey using online questionnaires; respondents were asked questions regarding the use of social networks to obtain news and the effects that the news obtained had on their knowledge and participation in political issues. To increase the response rate, a monetary incentive was used; participants were entered in a draw where they could win monetary prizes. The variables under investigation were social capital, offline political participation, civic participation, social demographic variables, use of media news, use of social networks for news and general social network use. In each variable, respondents were asked questions regarding their behaviors in using social net works and the effects that these had on the respondents. The research revealed that public use of news in social networks had a direct effect in increasing the social capital significantly. In other words, the use of social networks to keep up with news on issues affecting the community had a positive effect on the social capital. Moreover, the research revealed that the use of social network sites for news improved public participation in the society, which led to increased participation in political discussions, online and offline. As such, people who get informed through social sites tended to participate more in issues affecting the community, with such participation leading to new information seeking behavior. The researchers recommended the investigation of the effects of the socio-economic characteristics of the communities in which respondents live. This will lead to an understanding of the extent to which social economic differences may affect

Monday, October 28, 2019

Thermo Answers Essay Example for Free

Thermo Answers Essay Answer 8:   I am not getting answer correct as the electron donor used by Alcohol   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dehydrogenase is NADH and FAD is not evolved in it. Answer 9:   FAD is used in neutralization of free radicals as it has higher oxidation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  potential than other and can easily reduced by free radicals. Answer 10: The answer will be when ∆ H=0 as based on equations   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ∆G °=∆ H- T∆ S and ∆G °= -RT In Keq the value of Keq remains greater   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   than 1 when value of ∆G ° remains negative and that is only possible in two   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Condition 1) when ∆ H remains 0 or negative. And 2) ∆ H remains negative   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   along with ∆ S becomes 0. Answer 11:   Here rest of the answers is according to biologic standard for example H+   Concentration as all biological processes occurred at pH 7, the standard was taken as [H+] = 10-7 similarly biological processes conceder to be worked at atmospheric pressure 1atm. As per the standard convention concentration of each reactant was taken as unity or 1M. Since all three answer were part of the biological standard condition only answer d remains choice as the biological processes occurs at temperature 37 C (our body temperature) and not at 0 C. Answer 12:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Here   among all four compound only glucose -6- phosphate will not give rise to any energy but converted to fructose 6 phosphate in glycolysis, While 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate converted to 3-phospho glycerate and give rise to 2ATP, similarly   phosphoenol pyruvate   converted to pyruvate and gives 2ATP (both in process of glycolysis). Phosphocreatine act as energy storage in skeletal muscles where there is fluctuation in energy requirement, here in high energy requirement phosphocreatine converted to creatine by converting ADP to ATP. Answer 13: here answer is e, because if you see the reactions for the formation of Glucose-6 –phosphate 1 ATP has to be hydrolyzed in two step 1) first ATP gets converted to AMP and PPi by releasing energy equivalent to 45.6 kCal and as this reaction give rise to energy (liberation of energy) the value is indicated as negative (-45.6). In second step PPi again get hydrolyzed to Pi with energy release equivalent to 19.6 (i.e -19.6).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Now glucose   converted to Glucose-6- phosphate by utilizing energy released from above mention reaction and it requires 13.8 Kcal, here the reaction requires energy and that’s why value is positive (i.e 13.8). In conclusion the energy balance sheet for formation of glucose-6-phosphate from Glucose will be -45.6-19.6+13.8 = -51.6 (favorable forward reaction as ∆G ° is negative) Answer 14: here the answer is e,   The free energy of ATP hydrolysis is depend on 4 parameters 1) ratio of ATP/ADP   (higher the ration lesser the hydrolysis) 2) pi concentration as being end product accumulation of it leads to more hydrolysis 3) H+ being slightly Acidic hydrolysis of ATP is depend o n pH (H+), and 4) concentration of Mg which act as cofactor for enzyme adenylate kinase which plays important role in ATP synthesis as well as ATP hydrolysis. Answer 15:   As the phosphate group transfer from ATP to other Nucleotide is catalyzed by enzyme Nucleoside diphosphate kinase, and this is a reversible reaction the dynamics of reaction almost remains in steady state. For example in case of higher concentration of ATP the reaction goes in forward direction by generating NTP and ADP, But   once ATP crises arises ADP converted back to ATP by the action of   adenylate kinase. In conclusion the ratio of two nucleotide ATP and ADP+ NTP remains constant and hence Keq remains around 1. Answer 22: here the total out put or free energy is calculated based redox potential of electron except – electron donor and hence for answer d it will be highest   ie   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢Ë†â€ E °Ã¢â‚¬â„¢= -0.219- (.320) = 0.529 V Answer 23: In all these above mention reactions conversion of PEP to pyruvate have highest free energy changes of -61.9 compared to other reactions for example ATP hydrolysis gives rise to -30.5, and 45.6 similarly glucose 6 phosphate gives -13.8 Kj/mol. This high energy is due to direct transfer of Phosphate group from PEP to ADP.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay on Resolution of Conflict in The Tempest -- Tempest essays

Resolution of Conflict in The Tempest      Ã‚  Ã‚   The Tempest, like any text, is a product of its context. It is constructed in relation to moral or ethical concerns of 17th century European Jacobean society. The resolution of conflict appears 'natural' or an inevitable consequence if regarded in relation to the concerns of its context. The resolution of conflict in this play incorporates Prospero being returned to his 'rightful' or natural position as Duke of Milan, his daughter Miranda getting married to Ferdinand, and the party returning to Milan leaving the island to the 'monster', Caliban. The resolution is a consequence of the concerns of the time, including the idea of the divine right of kings, courtly love, and colonisation.    Conflict between the two brothers, Prospero and Antonio, for the powerful position of Duke is resolved when Prospero is crowned; this is presented as 'natural' through the idea of the 'divine right of kings'. In Jacobean society, the religious belief was that the King (James I at the time of this play) was divinely willed to have this position, and that there was a connection between God and the King. Shakespeare mimics this idea by often relating Prospero to God throughout The Tempest, with stage directions such as 'Prospero on top, invisible' which   positions him 'close to God' and by his power to manipulate and control the lives of others:    'mine enemies are a... ... conflict.    The resolution of conflict in The Tempest is thus naturalised and constructed as an inevitable consequence through the use of moral and ethical concerns in the play, including the 'divine right of kings', the 'great chain of being', courtly love, colonising discourse and expanding territory. The Tempest thus incorporates concerns of the Jacobean 17th century context, used to naturalise the resolution.    Bibliography    Shakespeare, W. The Tempest. Ed. Sutherland, J.R. (1990)    "Tempest & Court Masques" By H. C. Sherwood    Meller, A., Moon, G.T. Literary Shakespeare (1993) Sydney: Canon Publications    Lecture on "The Tempest" (1988)   C. Holmes   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Motivationed and Social Adjustment

41 B. Ed. ELECTIVE COURSE IV GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the student- teachers will be able to To recall the principles underlying guidance To recognize the need of guidance and counselling in schools To describe the different services in the school guidance programme To acquire the skills necessary to administer and interpret standardized tools To know the qualities required for a good counsellor UNIT-I Guidance Guidance- Meaning, Definitions, Aims, Nature, Principles and Needs.TypesEducational, Vocational, Personal, Social- Relationship between guidance and Counselling – Benefits- Limitations UNIT-II Counselling Counselling– Meaning, Definitions, Elements-Characteristics – Objectives – Need – Types: Directive Counselling, Non-Directive Counselling, Eclectic Counselling – Meaning, Characteristics, Steps, Advantages, Limitations – Difference between Counselling and Guidance. UNIT-III Guidance Movement in India History of guidance movement in India – Problems of guidance movement in India – Ways to improve guidance movement in India.UNIT-IV Qualities of a Counsellor Counsellor – Qualities – Functions- Professional Ethics- Difference between Counsellor and Teacher. UNIT-V Group Guidance and Group Counselling Group guidance – Meaning, Definition, Objectives, Problems, Significance – Techniques, Uses. Group counselling – Meaning, Requirements – Uses. 42 UNIT – VI Theories of Vocational Choice Theories of Vocational Choice – Ginzberg, Super, Holland, Havighurst, Structural theory UNIT –VII Non –Testing Devices in Guidance Non-testing devices in guidance: Observation – Cumulative record, Anecdotal record, Case study, Autobiography, Rating Scale, Sociometry etc.UNIT-VIII Testing Devices in Guidance Testing devices in guidance-Meaning, Definition, Measurement, Uses of psychological tests: Intellig ence tests – Aptitude tests- Personality InventoriesAttitude scales – Achievement tests – Creativity tests -Mental health – frustrationconflict. UNIT- IX Guidance Services in Schools Guidance services at different school levels–Meaning, Significance, Types – Organisation of Guidance services in schools – Role of guidance personnel – Career and Occupational Information – sources, gathering, filing, dissemination- Career Corner- Career Conference.UNIT X Guidance for Exceptional Children Guidance for Exceptional Children- Meaning and Types. Guidance for gifted, backward, mentally retarded, orthopaedically handicapped, visually impaired, deaf and dumb, juvenile delinquents. SUGGESTED REFERENCE BOOKS: Chauhan, S. S. (2008). Principles and techniques of guidance. UP: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. Sharma, R. N. (2008). Vocational guidance & counseling. Delhi: Surjeet Publications. Jones, A. J. (2008). Principles of guidance. (5 ed). Delhi: Surjeet Publications. Crow, L. D. , & Crow, A. (2008). An introduction to guidance. Delhi: Surjeet Publications. 43 : ! † # :Sharma, R. A. (2008). Career information in career guidance. Meerut: R. Lall Books Depot. Meenakshisundaram, A. (2006). Experimental psychology. Dindigul: Kavyamala Publishers. Meenakshisundaram, A. (2005). Guidance and counseling. Dindigul: Kavyamala Publishers. Qureshi, H. (2004). Educational guidance. New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. Bhatnagar, R. P. , & Seema, R. (2003). Guidance and counselling in education and psychology. Meerut: R. Lal Book Depot. Vashist S. R. (Ed. ). (2002). Principles of guidance. New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. Sharma, R. N. (1999). Guidance and counseling. Delhi: Surjeet Publishers.Sodhi, T. S. , & Suri, S. P. (1997). Publication. Aggarwal, J. C. (1991). Educational, vocational guidance and counseling. New Delhi: Doabai House. Sharma, N. R. (1989). Educational and vocational guidance. Agra: Vinod Pustak Mandir. Kochhar, S. K. (1984). Guidance and counseling in colleges and universities. New Delhi: Sterling Publishing Pvt. Ltd. Indu, D. (1983). The basic essentials of counseling. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd. Madhusudan, M. (1983). Educational and vocational guidance. Sambalpur: Saha Publishers & Distributors. Anne, A. (1982). Psychological testing. New York: McMillan Company.Chauhan, S. S. (1982). Principles and techniques of guidance. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Rao, N. S. (1981). Counseling psychology. New Delhi: Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Kochhar, S. K. (1979). Guidance in indian education. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd. Guidance and counseling. Patiala: Bawa 44 Gaur, J. S. , & Saraswat, R. K. (1978). Occupational literature: An annotated bibliography. New Delhi: NCERT. James, C. H. (1978). Counselling process and procedures. New York: McMillan Co. Pasricha, P. (1976). Guidance and counselling in indian education. New Delh i: NCERT. Cirtes. (1974).Handbook on vocational guidance. New Delhi: Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation,Govt. of India. Tolbert, E. L. (1974). Counselling for career development. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Patterson, C. H. (1973). Theories of counselling and psycho-therapy. New York: Harper and Row. Sinha, S. N. (1973). Dynamics of vocational behaviour. Jaipur: Asia Publishing House. Nanda, S. K. , & Sagar, S. (1972). Fundamentals of guidance. Chandigarh: N. B. S. Educational Publishers. Barclay, J. R. (1971). Foundations of counselling strategies. London: John Wiley and Sons Inc. Brewer, J. M. (1971). Education as guidance. New York: McGraw Hill.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Masque of the Red Death

â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† Literary Analysis: A Look at Imagery We continue our literary analysis of â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† by Edgar Allan Poe with a look at the graphic imagery in the short story. players †¢ slide 1 of 4 Imagery is the use of figurative or descriptive language to create a vivid mental picture. It involves at least one of the five senses–sight, sound, touch, feel, taste. Imagery in â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† is ghastly. †¢ slide 2 of 4 Example of Imagery – â€Å"There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores, with dissolution.The scarlet stains upon the body and especially upon the face of the victim, were the pest ban which shut him out from the sympathy of his fellow men. † (145). Senses – Sight, Touch Analysis – Poe establishes the mood and setting of the story with the vivid description of the Red Death. The passage establishes the h orror of the disease and explains why the guests would react to the blood stained intruder at the end of the story. †¢ slide 3 of 4 Imagery in the 7th RoomExample of Imagery – â€Å"The seventh apartment was closely shrouded in black velvet tapestries that hung all over the ceiling and down the walls, falling in heavy folds upon the carpet of the same material and hue† (146). Senses – Sight, Touch Analysis: The oppressiveness of the 7th room contrasts the gaiety of the previous six. The darkness of the room and the heaviness and darkness of the curtain symbolizes death. No wonder none of the guests wish to come near it. Note the pun on â€Å"shroud. † Example of Imagery – â€Å"The panes here were scarlet–a deep color†¦.In the corridors that followed the suite, there stood, opposite to each window, a heavy tripod, bearing a brazier of fire, that projected its rays through the tinted glass and so glaringly illuminated the room. And thus were produced a multitude of gaudy and fantastic appearances†¦ The effect of the firelight that streamed upon the dark hangings through the blood tinted panes was ghastly in the extreme† (146-7) Senses – Sight Analysis – So much for peaceful death. The images created by the brazier of fire and blood tinted glass give the room of death a ghastly appearance.The gaudy and fantastic appearances, the blood tinted panes, and the fire create an image of hell, hinting that perhaps the guests and the Prince fear not just the Red Death, but their eternal fate. †¢ slide 4 of 4 More Examples Example of Imagery – â€Å"Its pendulum swung to and fro with a heavy monotonous clang; there came from the brazen lungs of the clock a sound which was clear and loud and deep and exceedingly musical† (147). Senses – Sound Analysis – No wonder the musicians stopped when this clock struck.Poe uses personification–brazen lungs–to em phasize the deepness of the â€Å"heavy monotonous clang,† a clang that serves as an hourly reminder to the guests that death is approaching. Example of Imagery – â€Å"The figure was tall and gaunt, and shrouded from head to foot in the habilments of the grave†¦ His vesture was dabed in blood and his broad brow, with all the features of the face was besprinkled with the scarlet horror. † (149). Senses – Sight Death – The personified Red Death strikes fear and anger in the hearts of Prospero and his guests.Once the Red Death appears, it never leaves. Symbolism in â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† Why are there seven rooms in â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†? Learn all that and more with this guide to symbolism. latest †¢ slide 1 of 6 Edgar Allan Poe's â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† should be studied at many levels: (1) the literal level – the literal level is a study of the events that actually take plac e in the story; (2) an allegorical level – an allegory is a story in which the objects, characters, and events are symbolic of something grander in scale.In order to understand the story allegorically, one needs a firm understanding of symbols in â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death. † †¢ slide 2 of 6 Symbols ; Analysis The Red Death symbolizes the inevitability of death. Although there is no specific disease with the exact symptoms described in the story, critics believe the disease's description has elements of tuberculosis, a disease which killed many of those close to Poe. It also brings forth memories of the Black Death which depopulated much of Europe during the Middle Ages.The Castle represents man's efforts to prevent death. Regardless of wealth, social position, or popularity, death arrives as an uninvited guest. Prince Prospero symbolizes the end of feudalism. Prospero's inviting only wealthy knights and ladies to his castle at the expense of peasants and c ommoners represents the socioeconomic divide between landowners and peasants that existed during the feudalistic period. It is not coincidental that the Black Death, which reduced the number of workers, led to a demand for labor and played an important role in ending feudalism in Europe.The Ebony Clock is a constant reminder of death and symbolizes the inevitability of it. The revelers could neither stop its pendulum from swinging nor could they prevent its ominous tones from dampering their enthusiasm. †¢ The Seven Rooms represent the stages of life. More on this later. The Masqueraders symbolize all humans and gives creedence to the interpretation that the seven rooms represent the seven ages of man (covered further in the next section). †¢ slide 3 of 6 Color Symbolism Colors play an important role in this story:Red – The most obvious color symbolism in â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† is in its title. Red symbolizes death and blood. The gruesome descript ion of the Red Death gives the color a ghastly connotation, especially in light of the red window panes contained in the death room at the far western end of the imperial suite. Black/Ebony – The seventh room was â€Å"closely shrouded in black velvet tapestries that hung all over the ceiling and down the walls, falling in heavy folds upon a carpet of the same material and hue† (146).This seventh room contains â€Å"no light of any kind† and represents the darkness of death. In this room stands the ebony clock. Upon hearing its chimes the guests were reminded of death: â€Å"the giddiest grew pale, and the more aged and sedate passed their hands over their brows as if in confused reverie or meditation† (147). Blue/Purple/Green/Orange/White/Violet – These are the colors of the first six rooms in the imperial suite. I will address them together insomuch that they represent a prism and therefore reflect a progression, lending creedence to the interpre tation that the story is an allegory for life.This interpretation, however, is complicated by the fact that the color of Prospero's room do not occur in the same sequence as they do in a prism, possibly reflective of Prospero's twisted sense of fairness or an attempt by the author to associate particular colors with a specific period in life. †¢ Others interpret the 7 rooms in â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† as a symbol of Prospero's indulgence in the seven deadly sins: 1. Pride/Vanity – Pride is the excessive belief in one's own abilities, similar to vanity, which is setting one's heart on things of little value.Prospero's belief that he is more powerful than death is a vivid demonstration of pride. 2. Envy – It is unclear who the Prince might envy, but he sure is trying hard to impress someone. 3. Gluttony – Gluttony is the act of consuming more than one is required. Instead of using his means to protect more people, something he is obligated to do as prince, he lavishes his guests with â€Å"ample provisions† and â€Å"the appliances of pleasure. † 4. Lust – Lust is an excessive craving for the pleasures of the body, usually associated with sex. The era in which Poe wrote prohibited he explicit or implicit description of sex, but what do you think was going on at an anything goes party? 5. Anger – The Prince becomes angry with the uninvited guest and attacks it. 6. Greed – Although it is apparent Prince Prospero shares his wealth with a thousand guests, he helps those who need it least and withholds his substance from those in need. 7. Sloth – Sloth is the absence of work. The prince seems like a hard worker; his work, however, is on the physical realm not the spiritual realm. †¢ slide 6 of 6 What do you think they mean? If you have an alternate interpretation, let me know in the comments.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Macbeth Analysis Essays - Characters In Macbeth, Fiction

Macbeth Analysis Essays - Characters In Macbeth, Fiction Macbeth Analysis To Know My Deed, Twere Best Not Know Myself How was it possible for such an admirable and noble man, so established in society, to fall so greatly into a dilemma, full of murderous plots and deceit? In William Shakespeares Macbeth, the idea of one character becoming both victim and villain is introduced. Macbeth falls prey to others deception, and is supplanted with greed and hate when he is tricked by three witches. When told that he is going to be King of Scotland, Macbeth does whatever he can to ensure his prophecy. In Macbeths quest for power, he gains a flaw that ends in a deteriorated relationship with Lady Macbeth, and his eventual defeat. All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter! (I.iii.50) The three witches, with their prophetic greeting (I.iii.78) gear Macbeths drive for power. They embody the supernatural element of this tragedy. With their imperfect predictions, they play on Macbeths security and nourish the seed of his tragic flaw, which flourishes in their manipulative prophecies and drives him into becoming the King of Scotland. But the Scottish aristocracy comprises of King Duncan, his two princes Malcolm and Donalbain, and various other thanes and nobles, including Macbeths friend, Banquo. His desire for position on the throne overrides his respect for the King and his own dignity, leading Macbeth to slaughter him, and murder all those who serve as obstacles in his treacherous pursuit of the throne. Yet I do fear thy nature. It is too full o the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way. Thou wouldst be great; art not without ambition, but without the illness should attend it. (I.v.16-20) In the beginning, Lady Macbeth has a kind of power over Macbeth that she can only achieve through his devotion to her. She adds to his false sense of security, and Macbeth confides in her and lets her persuade him. As the murderous plots drag on, he loses his will to speak in confidence to her. As with Banquo, Macbeth no longer looks to him as an ally, but rather a hurdle that he must defeat in order to fulfill the divination that the witches have cast. Banquo is near enough to draw blood, and like a menacing swordsman, his mere presence threatens Macbeths existence (III.i.115-117). Macbeth is not sufficiently cultivated in good or evil to gather poise for all occasions; thus he experiences difficulty in sleeping, he uses rhetoric inadequately in the presence of others when disturbed, and even resorts to improbability. That tears shall drown the wind. I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which oerleaps itself and falls on the other (I.vii.25-28) Macbeth has a conscience that plagues him throughout the story, prohibiting him from forgetting all he knows that is right. But again, the words of his wife, Lady Macbeth, supplied with the warped foresights of the three witches, impels him to stay devoted to his utterly selfish ends. Macbeths fall from grace into sheer misery is truly tragic in its nature. Even his soliloquies, notable for magniloquence and marked by voluptuous word-painting, show more the stages of his corruption than its causes - the need for action to cover his lack of poise in awaiting developments and the need to stifle the moral imagination that enables him to foresee the consequences of his actions. Macbeth was simply a weak soul that had been unfairly hoaxed.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Contrast the priorities of the northern and southern Renaissance Essays

Contrast the priorities of the northern and southern Renaissance Essays Contrast the priorities of the northern and southern Renaissance Paper Contrast the priorities of the northern and southern Renaissance Paper The renaissance was a period in European cultural history that began in Italy around 1400 and lasted there until the end of the 16th century. It flourished later elsewhere in Europe and lasted until the 17th century. The Renaissance brought an all around change in the way people thought and in their beliefs. People began to discover the world and discover themselves as individuals. The world was beginning to change, technology progressed, and art and music became liberated. The Renaissance could also be known as a Revival of Learning. People began to question the basic facts of life of which they were forced to accept. Acceptance was replaced with questioning, experimenting, understanding and learning. Central to the renaissance was humanism, the belief in the active, rather then the contemplative life and a faith in the republican ideal. However the greatest expression of the renaissance was in arts and learning. For example Alberti, in his writings on painting, created both methods of painting using perspective to create an illusion of a third dimension and a classically inspired non-religious subject matter. Even in his architecture, he created a system of simple proportion that was to be followed for hundreds of years. The Renaissance was heralded by the work of the early 14th-century painter Giotto in Florence, and in the early 15th century a handful of outstanding innovative artists emerged there: Masaccio, in painting, Donatello, in sculpture, and Brunelleschi, in architecture. At the same time the humanist philosopher, artist, and writer Leon Baptista Alberti recorded many of the new ideas in his treatises on painting, sculpture, and architecture. These ideas soon became widespread in Italy, and many new centres of patronage formed. In the 16th century Rome superseded Florence as the chief centre of activity and innovation, and became the capital of the High Renaissance. The cultures throughout Europe were hugely diverse and have remained so to this present day. So therefore it is highly likely that the renaissance took on different meanings and interpretations throughout Europe. In northern Europe the Renaissance spirit is apparent in the painting of the van Eyck brothers in the early 15th century. The Italian artists Cellini, Rosso Fiorentino, and Primaticcio took the Renaissance to France through their work at Fontainebleau. The ideas, concepts, understandings and priorities of the renaissance could not have been the same throughout a continent that differed in social, cultural, political and religious issues. So there is no query that the artistic renaissance originated in Italy. And this change in Art had a huge impact on art in the north. Artists in the rest of Europe were impressed by the new ideas on art from Italy. Italy therefore attracted many of the great artists from elsewhere in Europe. When we look at the works of art during the renaissance in both Italy and the north, we can see that they both set out to achieve the same goals more or less, such as, an interest in individual consciousness and a desire to make images of the visible world, often portraying a religious scene, more believable and accessible. 1 However there are many striking differences in methods and techniques due to a manifold of reasons. Because the patrons in the north tended to be of the bourgeois class, rather that religious or noble, the artists that they sponsored, painted for civic or even domestic display. Communities commissioned works for their chapels and town halls. This could be the reason why the works of art from the northern renaissance were often on a smaller scale than those from the Italian renaissance. There was a frequent use of grisaille to portray a more sculptured look on the triptych covers. The climate had a great impact on the methods of painting in the north and south. Frescoing was more common in Italy as the warm climate enabled the paintings to dry quicker, whereas with the damp, colder climate of the north, frescoes took longer to dry. The artists wanted to meet public demand and thus produced smaller, mobile works of art. It is also clear that the northern artists and patrons were concerned about their social status. They wanted to show their current and even potential social positions. The Italian artists seemed somewhat oblivious to their step on the social ladder. Symbolism seemed central to the northern artistic renaissance. One example of this is Holbeins The Ambassador, which features a number of valuable objects, which attempt to display the status of the subjects and their interests in intellectual matters. The northern artists crowded their paintings with many minor details in the background and on the subject matter with the aim of displaying their wealth. The Italian artists did not feel the need to include these small objects of everyday use when depicting biblical scenes or in their portraits of their wealthy sponsors. It is therefore clear that both the northern artists and the Italian artists aimed to achieve a sense of realism and credibility in their work, but they both contained many unique features, which differed greatly from each other. One of the key features of the renaissance is Humanism. This is associated more with the northern renaissance. Humanists believed that God had given each person free will and that it was up to everybody to use their talents to the full and to achieve their true potential. When we think of humanism, we think of the famous Erasmus, Petrarch or Moore. These humanists played an important role in the renaissance. Erasmus had a thorough training in the classic authors as well as in the languages and grammar, which he mobilised in the cause of Christian scholarship. He was probably the greatest classical scholar of his age and he used his knowledge of Greek and Latin sources to demonstrate the profound effect of ancient culture on Christianity. He believed that the classics could inspire good taste, stimulate sound and clear thinking and could cultivate clear, accurate and precise verbal and written expression. He also believed that their study along with the Bible would promote greater religious devotion and goodness. This piety through literature was the basis of Erasmuss educational philosophy and his religious reformism. Erasmus attacked clerical abuse through his literature, he wrote I could see that the common body of Christians were corrupt not only in its affections, but in its ideas. Like Erasmus, Petrarch restored the Latin classics and he initiated the recovery and revision of ancient texts that followed with the early 15th century. Petrarch would be considered a northern humanist because although he was born in Florence, he was raised in Provence. However although Humanism is associated more with the northern renaissance, the humanists of Italy had similar beliefs Alberti of Florence believed that each person was responsible for their own destiny. The longing to come to terms with the way in which the world worked was an essential attribute in the learning of the renaissance, and it is certainly no big shock that important scientific developments occurred during the 15th and 16th centuries. Although Columbus was born in Italy, he would be associated with the northern renaissance, as his culture was purely Spanish. All his letters, even those addressed to Italians, were in Spanish. His studies of the Pole Star led him to the conclusion that the Earth was pear-shaped. Another man from the northern renaissance was Copernicus from Poland. Copernicus was a famous astronomer who by careful observation, with the naked eye, of the phases of an eclipse, he had discovered the dual motion of the planet on their own axes and around the sun. By 1512, he had this system worked out to the smallest detail. However, he hesitated to publish his work as he said, I can well believe that when what I have written becomes known, there will be an uproar. Copernicus changed the way the world thought forever as he argued that the earth was the centre of the universe and not the earth, with the planets and their satellites revolving around it. The amazing thing about he discoveries of Copernicus is that they were the products of pure reason applied to facts known to the ancients and carefully noted by ptolemy2 So it was clear that the northern universities led the way in the new astronomy. It is doubtful whether the cause of scientific development stems greatly from the Italian renaissance. Indeed, it was the thesis of Toffanin that the rise of humanism stifled the sciences in favour of literature. The Germans invented printing and certainly Copernicus was born in Poland, and Francis Bacon precedes Galileo, who only gives a scientific achievement to Italy well into the 17th century, outside the chronological limits usually set to the renaissance. Also an independent spirit of enquiry arose in European biology and medicine. Human dissections were routinely performed from the 14th century and anatomy emerged as a mature science from the eager activity of the Belgian, Andreas Vesalius, whose De humani corporis fabrica is one of the masterpieces of the Scientific Revolution. His achievement was to examine the body itself rather than relying simply on Galen; the illustrations in his work are simultaneously objects of scientific originality and of artistic beauty. The rediscovery of the beauty of the human body by Renaissance artists encouraged the study of anatomy by geniuses such as Leonardo da Vinci. Shortly afterwards, an Englishman, William Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood and established physiology on a scientific footing. His little book De Motu Cordis (1628; On the Motion of the Heart) was the first great work on experimental physiology since the time of Galen. The eccentric wandering Swiss doctor Paracelsus had also deliberately set aside the teachings of Galen and other Ancients in favour of a fresh approach to Nature and medicine and to the search for new remedies for disease. These discoveries were all made by men from the northern renaissance, which may indicate that the renaissance in the north was more concerned with discovery and solving the unknown rather than just art. The Catholic Church was extremely affected by the renaissance too. The renaissance way of think brought about the reformation and there is no doubt that the church could see it coming. Humanists such as Erasmus, Petrarch and Moore questioned the church. They let their beliefs be known that each man controlled his own destiny, and therefore there was no divine rights given to anyone from God. The renaissance was an age of reformers. Above many reforms in art, literature, science and technology was the renewal of the relationship between humanity and God by thoroughly reforming the church. Through reason and education, these humanists aspired to transform not only the church but also society. So in fact it was the northern humanists who paved the way for the reformation. Therefore the Catholic Church faced many threats to its authority during the renaissance period. In both north and south, artists strove to perfect realism in their art and began to analyse nature and the human body. The church had originally exerted control over the masses by keeping them in the dark so to speak, by not encouraging them to investigate, explore or question what they were told. It was not a priority or aim of the northern and southern renaissance to contradict the teachings of the church, but by systematically reasoning and analysing the basic facts of life, they gradually took away the power of the church upon the people. The style of renaissance architecture, which began in 15th-century Italy, was based on the revival of classical, especially Roman, architecture developed by Brunelleschi. It is characterised by a concern with balance, clarity, and proportion, and by the external use of columns and fluted pilasters. Many Roman buildings were still extant in Renaissance Italy and artists and scholars studied their proportions and copied their decorative motifs. The architectural books of the Roman Vitruvius, 1st century AD were made popular by Leon Battista Alberti in his influential treatise De re aedificatoria/On Architecture 1486 but the first major work of the age was the successful construction by Brunelleschi of a dome 1420-34 on Florence Cathedral. Alberti himself designed a new fai ade for Santa Maria Novella, completed 1470, in Florence, and redesigned a church in Rimini subsequently called the Tempio Malatestiano, c. 1450. Bramante came closest to the recreation of classical ideas with works such as the Tempietto of San Pietro in Montorio, Rome, c. 1510 and the new basilica of St Peters in Rome, begun 1506. Other Renaissance architects in Italy include Michelangelo, Giulio Romano, Palladio, Vignola, Sangallo, and Raphael. As Renaissance architecture spread throughout the rest of Europe it often acquired a distinctively national character through the influence of indigenous styles. Renaissance architecture in England is exemplified by the Queens House at Greenwich, London, built by Inigo Jones 1637 and in France by the Louvre Palace built for Frani ois I 1546. In Spain, a fusion of Renaissance and Gothic architectural forms led to the flamboyant style called Plateresque, Manuellian in Portugal, typified by the fai de of the university at Salamanca, completed 1529. Overall, we can see that although the renaissance throughout Europe, meant a change in the way people thought, its priorities varied from country to country. The Italian renaissance prioritised their art producing many famous works of art such as de Vincis Mona Lisa, Michaelangelos David and hundreds more, nevertheless, humanism and discovery were not excluded. However the northern renaissance prioritised Humanism and discovery, although playing an important role in renaissance art.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

3 Discredited Biological Explanations for Deviancy

3 Discredited Biological Explanations for Deviancy A number of theories have tried to explain why people take part in deviant behavior, which is defined as any behavior that goes against the dominant norms of society. Biological explanations, psychological reasons, and sociological factors have all been linked to such behavior, but three of the major biological explanations for deviancy have been discredited. They posit that criminals are born rather than made, meaning that ones genetic makeup is the top reason a person engages in deviant acts. Biological Theories   Biological theories of deviance see crime and deviant behavior as a form of illness caused by distinct pathological factors. They assume that some people are born criminals or that offenders are biologically different from the general public. The logic here is that these individuals have a mental and physical defect of some sort that makes it impossible for them to learn and follow rules. This defect, in turn, leads to criminal behavior.​ Born Criminals Nineteenth-century Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso rejected the idea that crime is a characteristic of human nature. Instead, he believed that criminality is inherited, and he even developed a theory of deviance that argued a person’s bodily constitution indicates whether one is a born criminal. These born criminals are a throwback to an earlier stage of human evolution with the physical makeup, mental capabilities, and instincts of primitive man. In developing his theory, Lombroso observed the physical characteristics of Italian prisoners and compared them to those of Italian soldiers. He concluded that the criminals were physically different. The physical characteristics he used to identify prisoners included an asymmetry of the face or head, large monkey-like ears, large lips, a twisted nose, excessive cheekbones, long arms, and excessive wrinkles on the skin. Lombroso declared that males with five or more of these characteristics could be marked as born criminals. Females, on the other hand, only needed as few as three of these characteristics to be born criminals. Lombroso also believed that tattoos are the markings of born criminals because they stand as evidence of both immortality and insensitivity to physical pain. Body Types William Sheldon was an American psychologist practicing in the early to mid-1900s. He  spent his life observing the varieties of human bodies and came up with three types: ectomorphs, endomorphs, and mesomorphs. Ectomorphs are thin and fragile. Their bodies are  described as flat-chested, lean, lightly muscled, and small shouldered. Endomorphs are considered soft and fat. They are described as having underdeveloped muscles and a round physique. They often have difficulty losing weight. Mesomorphs are muscular and athletic. Their bodies are described as hourglass-shaped when theyre female, or rectangular-shaped in males. Theyre muscular with thick skin and have excellent posture. According to Sheldon, mesomorphs are the most prone to commit crime or other deviant behaviors. Y Chromosomes This theory holds that criminals have an extra Y chromosome that gives them an XYY chromosomal makeup rather than an XY makeup. This creates a strong compulsion in them to commit crimes. This person is sometimes called a super male. Some studies have found that the proportion of XYY males in the prison population is slightly higher than the general male population, but other studies don’t provide evidence that supports this theory. Sources Gibson, Mary. Born to Crime: Cesare Lombroso and the Origins of Biological Criminology (Italian and Italian American Studies). Praeger, 2002. Rose, Martha, and Wayne Mayhall. Sociology: The Basic Principles of Sociology for Introductory Courses. BarCharts, Inc., 2000.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Insomnia Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Insomnia - Term Paper Example Insomnia is a state that affects numerous individuals, most of them are not even aware of the condition they are suffering from insomnia or sleeplessness. Sleep deprivation causes rigorous exhaustion, nervousness, hopelessness and poor attentiveness. Insomnia is grave, though not fatal. Scarcity and lack of sleep leads to a lonesome and awful state of mind. If the condition continues a person may tend to develop compromised living condition or disturbed psychological behaviour. The condition is become severe and taking a shape of an epidemic in United States. The data obtained from National Sleep Foundation portrays that around 47 million American adults are at potential risk of physical and emotional disturbance due to lack of sleep. The results are alarming as per the data procured by National Institutes of Health approximated that 50 to 70 million Americans belonging to all ages experience restless sleep (Morin, 2000). Insomnia is characteristically persuaded by practical impairment while wakeful. Under the condition of insomnia a person feels distressed and finds difficult to instigate and continue sleep or non recuperative sleep connected with impairment of daytime performance or manifest anguish for more than a month (Morin, 2000). 1. Transient insomnia: It stays only for a short duration probably for a week. It may be associated with change of place, ill-health, worry, anxiety, depression or a condition of stress. As soon as the circumstances become normal sleep deprivation vanishes (Thomas, 2004). 3. Chronic insomnia: It is sleeplessness lasting for more than a month. It could be due to some other disorders encompassing muscular distress, phantasms, mental stress, and thereby enhanced alertness is displayed (Thomas, 2004). Around 10% of the population suffering from insomnia have chronic insomnia. The percentage of women (40%) is more as compared to men (30%). It is therefore suggested

Food chemistry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Food chemistry - Assignment Example The process does not change fatty acid composition of the starting material, therefore, interesterified oil or blends are considered to be stable. The process makes the oils have a smoother melting point, improves plasticity as crystallization properties change. There also is an improved functional and nutritional property associated to interesterification (Armond, 1998). Hydrogenation is a chemical reaction that involves the addition of hydrogen across carbon-carbon multiple bonds and thus increases the saturation and the melting point. It is a process employed in the hardening of fats. In most cases, catalytic hydrogenation is utilised with nickel metal being the widely used catalyst. Three types of hydrogenation reactions are practiced. First is a light hydrogenation that reduces linoleic acid in soybean to produce oils with large shelf life. Second is extensive hydrogenation and third is partial hydrogenation. Partial hydrogenation involves the hydrogenation of some and not all double bonds present to be converted to single bonds. It is a complex process. Hydrogenation on heterogeneous catalyst is reversible and the double bonds remaining in the partially hydrogenated fat may have changed position and configuration. These affects melting point and has nutritional consequences (Frank, 2004; pg 146) Mohamed et al., (2012) developed functional fat from butter oil and moringa oleiferous oil (MOO) by interesterification. He seen a significant increase in oxidative stability with the increasing augmentation of MOO blends. From his study, he concluded that MOO and BO can be used in the formulation of functional and shelf stable fat. Vegetable oils and fats are known to be stable to oxidative rancidity, healthy and pose a low risk of coronary heart disease. In his study of oxidative stability, Mohamed et al. (2012) observed that peroxide levels at 100% augmentation of MOO were the lowest compared to levels at 50%. High peroxide

Friday, October 18, 2019

Concepts of Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Concepts of Leadership - Essay Example Their length of time in existence attests to the exemplary leadership practices manifested by the organization’s management team; in conjunction with their ability to capitalize on their strengths and make effective use of the opportunities that abound within the external global environment they operate in. In this regard, the current discourse aims to achieve the following objectives: (1) to apply one of the leadership theories from the course text to the organization by explaining how the theory works and through the inclusion of pertinent examples; (2) to explain the effect of power and influence that leaders have on followers in the organization; specifically addressing and explaining the responses to the following questions to wit: (a) are the followers receptive? (b) would you recommend another strategy?; (3) to evaluate the role and effectiveness of transformational and transactional leadership in the organization; (4) to assess the traits and characteristics of an effe ctive team leader within the organization; (5) to explain how the leadership supports vision, mission, and strategy in the organization; and (6) to explain the response to a hypothetical scenario where: if one would be seen as a leader in the organization, what would be changed and why? Application of a Leadership Theory One leadership theory that is apparently applied in Johnson & Johnson is the competing values frameworks (CVF) model which reportedly â€Å"brings together the organization, its changing environment, and leaders’ competing roles, and also enables a descriptive and prescriptive examination of leaders’ roles and activities with regard to their effectiveness† (Weiss: Contemporary Leadership Effectiveness, 2011, par. 1). This value is best applied by the management team and leaders of Johnson & Johnson through their explicitly designed guiding philosophy, termed â€Å"Our Credo† (Our Credo). As one reviews this guiding principle, it could be deduced that the organization, through the management team and leaders, have pledged responsibilities and commitments to the following, in this order: â€Å"to the doctors, nurses and patients, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services† (Our Credo, n.d., par. 1); â€Å"to our employees, the men and women who work with us throughout the world† (Our Credo, n.d., par. 2). â€Å"to the communities in which we live and work and to the world community as well† (Our Credo, n.d., par. 3); and finally, â€Å"to our stockholders† (Our Credo, n.d., par. 4). By identifying the stakeholders who they pledge responsibility, accountability, and commitment to, the organization has

The connectionist model theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The connectionist model theory - Essay Example In Experiment 2, the prime–target pairs had different main verbs. Facilitated target sentence processing was observed in both Experiments 1 and 2 when the target sentences were preceded by a prime sentence with the same syntactic structure. These results provide the first evidence of lexically independent, between-sentence structural priming in online sentence comprehension. Abstract: Strong evidence suggests that prior syntactic context affects language production (e.g., J. K. Bock, 1986). The authors report 4 experiments that used an expression–picture matching task to investigate whether it also affects ambiguity resolution in comprehension. All experiments examined the interpretation of prepositional phrases that were ambiguous between high and low attachment. After reading a prime expression with a high-attached interpretation, participants tended to interpret an ambiguous prepositional phrase in a target expression as highly attached if it contained the same verb as the prime (Experiment 1), but not if it contained a different verb (Experiment 2). They also tended to adopt the high-attached interpretation after producing a prime with the high-attached interpretation that included the same verb (Experiment 3). Finally, they were faster to adopt a high-attached interpretation after reading an expression containing the same verb that was disambiguated to the high-attached versus the low-attached interpretation (Experiment 4). Attachment during Comprehension.† Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. 2005. Vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 468-481. 16 February 2011

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What is the object of copyright How should the law define the 'work' Essay

What is the object of copyright How should the law define the 'work' in the context of literary property - Essay Example The copyright’s interpretation and protection is mainly related to the indigenous creation of the work. It does not apply to the idea that underlies its creation. As such, copyright protects the presentation of the idea. For instance, an idea behind a book is not protected but the presentation of the idea in the form of a book through the content is protected. This means that other individuals can also utilize the same idea and write a book based on that idea; however, they cannot claim copyright if the content of the book is copied or if it is an adaptation of another writer’s presentation of that idea (The UK Copyright Service, 2004). Names, titles, phrases and specific colours are ineligible to be granted a copyright, because they are not considered to be unique or distinct. They are also not sufficiently tangible to be protected by copyright law. However, a logo which contains all these components can be protected by copyright. Therefore, the form in which an idea or a creative work is presented can be protected by copyright law. Nevertheless, just the idea behind such a presentation cannot be protected (The UK Copyright Service, 2004). The Institute for Public Policy Research or the IPPR claims that millions of consumers infringe the copyright law by illegally copying the content of CD’s and DVD’s. The usual practice is to store the content of CD’s and DVD’s on computer hard disk drives or on optical discs. This practice makes it look as though there is some kind of private right to duplicate copyrighted content. According to Ian Kearns, Deputy Director of IPPR, the existing English law with regard to copyrights cannot counter the unlawful practices adopted by consumers, due to the sophistication of the technology employed (HOME NEWS, October 30, 2006; Pg. 15 ). The existing law provides a legalised private right to copy, to the people. Under this private right, consumers are freely copying the contents of CD’s or DVD’s onto their

Is dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as multiple Essay

Is dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as multiple personalities, real or a modern-day scam - Essay Example This is a defense method used to overcome severe emotional or physical pain or anxious anticipation of such circumstances. Through the dissociative process, feelings, memories, thoughts and perceptions of traumatic circumstance are separated from the person psychologicall, and enables the person to live as if the circumstances never occurred (Dissociative Identity Disorder 2003). Dissociative identity disorder or multiple personality disorder is considered from a sociocognitive perspective as a socially constructed disorder. The disorder is goal oriented, context bounded and the social behavior is evolved to meet the expectation of others significant to a circumstance and the characteristics o the behavior changes according to changes in circumstances (Spanos, N. P. 1994). Though multiple personality disorder has gained acceptance in the medical perspectives, there are several reasons that point out that this is not a disorder because it does not meet specific criteria to be recognized as a disease. Piper and Merskey (2004) notes that even close relative often do not recognize multiple personalities before patients begin therapy. In certain cases, relatives of the patients are given explanations, and the changes in behavior are specifically pointed out to understand multiple personalities because it was not evident before. Experts who advocate DID have not been able to strategically point out symptoms of the disorder since there is no specific personality state, identity, behavioral changes or other criteria that qualify the existence of the disorder. There is no definition for one personality taking control of the other or the methods to differentiate the changes in personality (Piper, A. & H. Merskey 2004 p.679). It may be concluded that from a sociocognitive perspective, dissociative identity disorder seems to exist in individuals in extreme circumstances. However, considering practical symptoms and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What is the object of copyright How should the law define the 'work' Essay

What is the object of copyright How should the law define the 'work' in the context of literary property - Essay Example The copyright’s interpretation and protection is mainly related to the indigenous creation of the work. It does not apply to the idea that underlies its creation. As such, copyright protects the presentation of the idea. For instance, an idea behind a book is not protected but the presentation of the idea in the form of a book through the content is protected. This means that other individuals can also utilize the same idea and write a book based on that idea; however, they cannot claim copyright if the content of the book is copied or if it is an adaptation of another writer’s presentation of that idea (The UK Copyright Service, 2004). Names, titles, phrases and specific colours are ineligible to be granted a copyright, because they are not considered to be unique or distinct. They are also not sufficiently tangible to be protected by copyright law. However, a logo which contains all these components can be protected by copyright. Therefore, the form in which an idea or a creative work is presented can be protected by copyright law. Nevertheless, just the idea behind such a presentation cannot be protected (The UK Copyright Service, 2004). The Institute for Public Policy Research or the IPPR claims that millions of consumers infringe the copyright law by illegally copying the content of CD’s and DVD’s. The usual practice is to store the content of CD’s and DVD’s on computer hard disk drives or on optical discs. This practice makes it look as though there is some kind of private right to duplicate copyrighted content. According to Ian Kearns, Deputy Director of IPPR, the existing English law with regard to copyrights cannot counter the unlawful practices adopted by consumers, due to the sophistication of the technology employed (HOME NEWS, October 30, 2006; Pg. 15 ). The existing law provides a legalised private right to copy, to the people. Under this private right, consumers are freely copying the contents of CD’s or DVD’s onto their

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Business Plan Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Plan Proposal - Essay Example Two passionate entrepreneurs who are on a mission to revolutionize service delivery in the food and beverage sector founded the company in the year 2009. The main objective of the corporation is to facilitate the provision of affordable food items to the locals in the area. It was set to bridge the gap created by large corporations that are neglecting certain carders of personalities especially the less fortunate. Its target market is the low-income earners who also have a right to enjoy decent meals in hotels (Costello 21). Since its founding, the joint has been recording good performance in terms of revenue and capacity. The performance is attributable to its exemplary management, effective and functional business plan, qualified support staff, and quality services. The food joint has also developed viable operating strategy and competitive plan purposely to foster its sustainability in the dynamic field. In its menu, the company serves its customers with fresh meals that include local/traditional and modern dishes. The dishes include local vegetables, fish, beef, chicken and various snacks. Tea, coffee, soft drinks, and cocktail drinks also form part of the beverages provided to customers. The corporation has remained steadfast since it has a good financial plan, resource mobilization strategy, marketing plan, management and food processing procedure. These aspects elevate its standards to higher levels of competitiveness. The restaurant has a vibrant management team that comprise of the general manager, marketing and product managers. The managers’ role in the institution is to formulate operating guidelines and coordinate affairs at all levels of operation in ensuring that target objectives are met. They are the custodian of the business plan as they work towards ensuring its holistic implementation. They set strategies both operational and non-operational; formulate goals,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Hotel and Outdoor Petting Zoo Essay Example for Free

Hotel and Outdoor Petting Zoo Essay There are many steps to planning a vacation to Kalahari Resorts, Ohio. First of all, you must ask yourself how many days would you like to spend at Kalahari. Once you decide, you must figure you want to book a flight or drive. Depending on certain dates, flights can be really expensive if booked during peak vaction months. Driving on the other hand, is not for everyone. It can be very expensive with the price of gas, and very tedious depending how many hours you will spend in the car. The next step is to find pricings on the hotel with their website, This website provides package deals that include: the room, access to the aracde, and also access to the pool. When choosing your room, you need to pick the perks you want, such as a full kitchen or a veiw of the outdoor petting zoo. Now that you have chosen your means of transportaion and room, you must determine how much money you would like to spend while are there. This will help set a budget and keep and keep your finances in order, but also prevent you from spending too much. Always remember to have fun at Kalahari and make it a stay youll never forget. There are many steps to planning a vacation to Kalahari Resorts, Ohio. First of all, you must ask yourself how many days would you like to spend at Kalahari. Once you decide, you must figure you want to book a flight or drive. Depending on certain dates, flights can be really expensive if booked during peak vaction months. Driving on the other hand, is not for everyone. It can be very expensive with the price of gas, and very tedious depending how many hours you will spend in the car. The next step is to find pricings on the hotel with their website, This website provides package deals that include: the room, access to the aracde, and also access to the pool. When choosing your room, you need to pick the perks you want, such as a full kitchen or a veiw of the outdoor petting zoo. Now that you have chosen your means of transportaion and room, you must determine how  much money you would like to spend while are there. This will help set a budget and keep and keep your finances in order, but also prevent you from spending too much. Always remember to have fun at Kalahari and make it a stay youll never forget.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Business and marketing strategies for Citibank

Business and marketing strategies for Citibank Introduction Citibank engages in consumer, corporate banking and financial services and it is part of the Conglomerate giant Citigroup. The bank was established in 1812 and was known as City Bank of New York and after that, it was named First National City Bank of New York. The company was later changed to Citigroup and Citibank became an arm of the banking and financial services Unit of the company (Wikipedia, 2010). As at June 2009, Citigroup is the fourth largest bank in the United States through domestic deposit and the top three banks are Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, and Bank of America (Data monitor report, 2009). This made Citibank an international financial bank with consumer, corporate and investment banking and also rendering insurance services. Citibank operates in over 100 countries globally and it is one of the most successful banks in the world. The economic crisis of 1990 caused by the Gulf war and other financial crises in many Asia countries affected the banks performance (Timme rs, P. (2009). This made the bank to change it corporate, business and marketing strategies in order to ensure sustainability of the bank and also to beat its competitors. It also engaged in the introduction of e-commerce and e-business strategies to introduce new products into the markets and it also expanded its operations to other areas such as wealth management, stock broking and financial trading services 1.2 The new strategies of Citibank The bank extended its banking operations to other areas such as wealth management, assets management, insurance, financial trading etc (data monitor,2009) The bank initiated better organisational vision and mission statements to a broader, goal oriented gaols and objectives in order to beat the competition from other big financial players and rivals such as Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, HSBC, Barclays Bank etc Adoption of new e- business and e-commerce marketing strategies through new marketing development systems such as online internet services Based on Porter (1980) generic strategies Citibank adopted the differentiation strategy by building its international business strategies through implementation of new technological and communication systems such as Information technology systems, tools and equipment in order to enhance its business operations, The formation of techniques and structures that will make the bank to be able to compete in e-business environment. 1.3 The outline of the strategy formulation technique available for Citibank in order to compete in e-business environment Due to the growing competitive financial environment, and the need to respond to the new technological changes for faster business operations, Citibanks new vision is to become the worlds leading e-business enabler. Its core main e-business strategy is to connect with customers through the internet (web), transform the Citibanks capabilities to deliver integrated solutions and extend by reaching new markets, new customers and new products. However, Citi bank has strategy formulation techniques for competing in the e-business environment and these will be discussed below. Creation of Citibanks E-business Vision The first step of Citibank strategy formulation was the initiation of the E-business Idea and creation of an e-business vision and mission statements which forms the outline of achieving its business objectives (Ali Farhoomand, 2008). This e-business strategy was reiterated by Caroline Wong, head of e-business Group (cash trade), Hong Kong stating the banks commitment to enter the e-business in order to bring transformational reforms that will increase clients satisfaction. Citibanks vision is to become the leading enabler of e-business through empowerment of local, regional and global customers and business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) (Tawfik Jelassi et al, 2008). EXTEND Reach new markets, new customers and new products CONNECT Web-enable its core services to connect with its customers TRANSFORM Draw the full range of Citibanks capabilities to deliver integrated solutions Figure 1: Citibanks E-business strategy This vision and the business strategy serves as a fundamental framework for the Citibanks E-business structure thus giving directions, goals, aims and objectives. The mission includes the management of the overall costs of its Information (Ali Farhoomand, 2008). Technology (IT) investments, optimal usage of the existing and new technologies, and standardisation of its application and development processes. All these are driven towards increasing operational efficiencies and lower the costs of operational while achieving on time delivery to customers. All these goals, aims, objectives created a fundamental framework in which Citibank was operating to achieve a sustainable E-business in the competitive markets so as to gain market leadership in the banking and financial markets operations. -The Formation of the Internet group In 1999, Citibank launched a CitiDirect Online Banking which was the e first Citibanks multi-product in a multi-geographic Internet banking system. Citibank e-business unit was formed in year 2000 with the managements group decision to aggressively develop Internet-based products. The e-business solution was continuously developed and researched through 2001 and 2002 and Jose Bermudez , the executive vice president and head of global cash and trade business who consolidated the Citibanks business structure and by holding meetings with all regions, developing and combining goals in all areas and consolidated bureaucracies across the regions of the banks operations (Timmers, P. 2009). This initiative by Jose Bermudez created a cooperate commitment to achieving and sustaining the Citibanks e-business strategy. During this period, the then CEO, John Reed was thoroughly concerned about meeting the demand for internet banking and he started the E-Citi initiative for exploring the Internet opportunities (Tawfik Jelassi et al, 2008. -Strategies implementation for its e-business environment Jose Bermudez led the e-business unit that was responsible e for developing internet software for the corporate clients setting up B2B (Business -to-Business) electronic commerce exchanges while the new high level committees coordinated and the strategies through benchmarking of other banks (Tawfik Jelassi et al, 2008. The e-business environment was conceived as a solution business for customers to create new and complex online banking products to meet the customers need. It built internet platform and E-structure services such as clearing, trading, and collections which allowed customers to acquire information rapidly than the traditional paper base processes. This was evident when the Global transaction services created the Citibanks markets and banking systems in order to integrate Cash , Trade and Treasury services and Global Securities Services. Its core objectives was to assist corporate customers to gain greater control over financial positions locally and internationally while increasing business efficiencies and reducing costs. Citibank created a global online investment that was secured, and web-based which allowed customers to access a variety of short-term investments using the award-winning , web based electronic banking platform. An example was the replacement of the CitiDirect Online banking with Treasury vision which created an easier management of short-term investment portfolios by the managers. Creation of culture and values of multidisciplinary teams One of the strategy formulation techniques of Citibank was the creation of multi-dimensional structure of teams that is totally focused on the E-business initiatives and they broke the old bureaucratic culture that existed. Timmers, P. (2009) stated that some other managers were hired from outside the ban and they had the following dimensions: Following through on commitment through forming collaborative infrastructures and they worked by coordinating themselves so as to fulfil the objectives of the e-commerce goals Shared understanding and knowledge- The multi-dimensional teams work through sharing of knowledge and resources in applying best practises in the implementation of e-commerce strategies Creation of forums as channels for effective communication Citibank Alliance strategies Prior to 2000, all forms of e-business strategies implemented by Citibank had failed because the huge investments in areas of software development, systems development and front end service could not meet up with the dynamic technological changes then. From 2000, the bank then focused on creating strategic alliances with the use of their partners competitive strengths. The bank formed partnerships with companies that had strong technologies, systems and infrastructures with good access to the markets .The companies that Citibank partnered with are the major technology leaders such as oracle, Commerce One Inc, SAP AG, Wisdom Technologies and Bolero.Net. the major breakthrough of the partnership was the Citibanks alliance with four IT technological companies to form Financial Settlement, which connected buyers and sellers in e-market places with payment processing, credit and other services through conduct of businesses with banks and other financial service companies Acquisitions of Information Technology and Electronics Company Another strategy which Citibank adopted was the acquisition of some It and electronics company in order to enter and breakthrough the existing e-commerce marketplaces (Tawfik Jelassi et al, 2008). Citibank acquired Lava Trading, which was a leader of electronic execution and sell-side management. This was to enhance Citibanks existing infrastructures and platforms and it was able to integrate a robust electronic trading systems in its services complemented with the technologies of the acquisitions (Data monitor report, 2009). -Commitment to engage in continuous technology development The objective and promise to engage in continuous technology development was a good strategy formulation which sustained the Citibanks E-business environment (Data monitor report, 2009). Since the new commitment and success recorded in 2000, Citibank has been active in engaging in the continuous development of the IT and e-business sector so as to gain maximum customer satisfaction and gain market leadership through the optimisation of Information technological systems and structures (Timmers, P. 2009). Citibank offered an array of integrated investment options through multiple channels including automatic orders, branch services, and online services. Creation of sound business model and practises The creation of good business model and strategies which its operations are based on is the strength of its ability to compete in the e-business environment. The connect which promoted the use of internet as Web-enable its core services to connect with its customers is an indication of the growth of the e-business environment. The other excellent objective by Citibank is transform the bank through the use of the banks integrated capabilities while reaching out to new and emerging markets. SECTION 2: The appraisal of the Citibank current existing strategies in relation to e-business and information systems and their relevance in meeting the corporate objectives. Based on Michael Porters competitive generic strategy, Citibank adopted a differentiation strategy for its banking service by using the e-business strategies of effective internet banking and relevant banking functionalities that give customers full access to their accounts, trading, and management (Data monitor report, 2009). These strategies are in line with its vision and mission to become the leading provider of e-financial services by becoming a trusted, consistent and premier e-business enabler for all its customers globally. Citibank differentiates its e-business product from its competitors through application of e-business strategies and improving their customer services functions (Timmers, P. 2009). Citibank offered internet services, telephone banking, and customer relations managers gave individual attention to customers and service experts. Citibank committed to its e-business strategy-Connect, Transform and Extend-was to web enable its core services, develop integrated solutions and reach new markets. The use of consolidated e-business organisational structure One of the core strategies of Citibanks current success in relation to its e-business and information systems in the banking operation and services was the use of consolidated e-business structure that was formed in March, 2000 called the internet operation group that was responsible for the internet activities between e-Citi and all other business units. After this in April, 2000, Citibank established the e-consumer and e-business segments that was initiated and designed infuse the Internet into all customer and corporate banking services and operations. The following month, May, 2000, Citibank included e-Capital markets and e-Assets Management (Data monitor report, 2009). The e-business units were developing the software required to set up clients with the electronic business accounts while utilising business, resources and Information Technology (IT) people as well. The lessons learned from previous failures when Citibank indulged in managing all aspects of e-business themselves made them to focus on partnering with strong IT companies in order to realise their goals. b) Partnerships and alliance with other companies Citibank formed strategic partnerships with reputable information technology and e-solutions provider companies such as Oracle, Commerce One Inc., SAP AG, Wisdom Technologies and in order to improve and consolidate its e-business strategies. These partnerships have helped Citibanks e-business to be stronger and very competitive by providing integrated cash management services, fund services, securities services and internet banking services. c) Citibanks implementation of sophisticated and effective e-banking business tools, infrastructures and e-systems Citibank introduced some good e-business systems that enhance its banking operations through the development of solutions to address the three core process areas such as accounts process management, accounts payable process management and liquidity management (Data monitor report, 2009). The banks cash management products includes web enable payments, receivable solutions, vendor financing, commercial card solutions and liquidity products which have helped the customers reduce financing costs and achieve better returns on investment capital. The world link payment services payment have been introduced for over 20 years and it has improved payments systems of cash, cross-border Automated Clearing House (ACH), cheques and electronic transfers all protected by sophisticated encryption technologies, access restrictions and authentication procedures. This provided more confidence for the customers in terms of security of the banking transactions made. Also, QuickRemit service provided a r obust framework for global distribution process to transfer money both-in-branch and for web-based (Timmers, P. 2009). The customers payment receiving has been boosted by web-based through automated recurring payment initiation and this provided while the fast telephone banking systems enhanced the customers services and allowed payment initiation possible. The introduction of the Advanced Information Technology (IT) helped to guarantee security and integrity of data and transactions and Citibank commercial cards granted many web-based management tools that streamlined payments, reporting, spend analysis and global data acquisition and other vital day-to-day activities. This made it possible to have access to many banking products and could transact business from all parts of the world (Timmers, P. 2009). The customers benefited immensely from good e-business products, delivery and services and these products were clearly different from the ones other banks offered and this made Citibank to gain more competitive advantages over its other competitors in the domestic and global markets. Citibanks online services is global, secure and web-based system which gave more benefits to the customers also offered an array of integrated investment and this was applicable in other parts of the world such as Asia countries. The online web-based electronic banking platform, CitiDirect Online banking was replaced by Treasury Vision that provided a more superior cash management system for global investment network. d) The development of new services Citibank developed new e-technological products to meet the corporate objectives and to fulfil the Citibanks business strategies and to gain competitive advantages in the global financial markets, CitiBank established the Global technology Group whose role includes leading information technology projects and culture into the firm. It is important to evaluate the e-strategies used in all its banking and corporate services Improvement of Cash Management through e-services Citibanks main focus is to assists customers to have effective movement of their money throughout the world while also meeting their expectations and requirements (Ali Farhoomand, 2008). The cash management e- solutions includes web-enabled payments and receivable solutions, vendor financing, commercial card solution. The implementation of WorldLink Payment solutions and liquidity products reduces financing costs and achieve greater returns on assets (ROA). World Link services enable cash payments to be made in more than 135 countries through the cross-border Automated Clearing House (ACH), cheques and electronic funds transfer. The use of new QuikRemit Service offers a more flexible software platform (Ali Farhoomand, 2008). e) Citibank e-strategies involves the use of information technologies to provide more secured online banking services in all its global banking operations which gave the customers more confidence about the web-based services (Ali Farhoomand, 2008). Citibank has an initiative known as security architecture which provides security systems even for next generations of web based solutions. Other projects are the new touch screens automated teller machines (ATM), cash acceptance machines as well as quick deposit machines which gives receipts when deposits are made and this reduced queues in the banks (Ali Farhoomand, 2008) and this made the Citibank services better and quicker and has improved the quality of services Citibank offer. f) Ali Farhoomand (2008) stated that Citibank uses the cross-functional teams in the development and implementation of new services and this involves staff from different sections and department combine to maximise the transfer of information and technical skills. The staffs are encouraged and motivated to join special task forces around new IT projects that will transform the companys operations to lend their skills and expertise (Timmers, P. 2009). The end-users are also involved in the early in the development process to ensure proper configurations of equipment. This has improved quality, development time and costs. Strategies of Citibank in Political Environment for its operations Most of Citibanks operations have been globalise due to its massive operations in more than 150 countries around the world (Citigroup report, 2009). The bank has been able to adjust to various political environments due to its ability to adapt to different policies and banking systems that are set up by those countries (Data monitor, 2008). The continuous investment in new technologies has also made it possible for it to gain competitive advantages over other competitors in the local and international markets. Citibank has been successful in the Middle East in places such as Dubai and other United Arab Emirates countries. Citibank is also highly successful in most countries of Asia, Europe, and USA and in the United Kingdom (Timmers, P. 2009). Strategies for social environmental factors- Implementation of National cultures in many countries The formation of many multi-disciplinary and functional teams for different E-business strategies implementation has caused the implementation of national cultures in many countries of their operations (Ali Farhoomand, 2008). This made Citibank to implement team working in all departments and groups for the IT strategies in order to gain competitive advantages. This also made Citibank to be able to form local alliances with other banks in order to quickly to the national cultures of such country of operations. The elements of national cultures include adaptability, consistency, team working, cooperation, tolerance etc . There is growing emphasis on the Internet in business and consumer applications led to increasing demand for their products to be integrated with more general information technology solutions of Citibank. This has given Citibank more focus and stability and great vision to explore new and emerging markets Figure 1: The elements of national culture implementation Source: (Accessed online on 22/06/2010) SECTION 3 The analysis of the current situation of Citibank and the assessment of their specific strategic options available to the bank to enhance its future e-business structure Citibank is highly committed to continuous improvement in technological developments and it is also customer driven so as to fulfil its mission. The use of Information technology improves its banking and trading operations and enhances the work of over 268,000 employees located in over 100 countries and their focus was to embed their services into the everyday lives of the local population (Citigroup report, 2009). Therefore, in addition to enhancing the commitment to its employees and customers globally, Citibank has strong brand recognition and that it why it is driven towards new technologies to gain competitive advantages in existing, new and emerging markets (Data monitor,2008). The analysis of the current situation and the strategic options available to Citibank in order to maintain its global leadership in its e-business services are listed below Consolidating the formation of Alliances The current alliances practises with major Information and communication technology players especially with reputable firms such as Oracle, Commerce One, Inc., SAP AG, Wisdom Technologies and has helped the company transform its company to an e-business model. This made Citibank form the Financial Settlement which is a company dedicated to connecting buyers and sellers in e-market places with payment services, credit services through multiple and financial services (Citigroup report,2009). This caused growths in other banking operations of the company and made the company to develop greatly and Citibank has used the opportunity to align itself with the partners so as to maintain high competitive advantages in the markets (Timmers, P. 2009). Citibank must consolidate its alliances so as to keep gaining the strategic advantages needed in the marketplaces by engaging in stronger relationships with the Information Technology and communication companies and total customer focus must be the strategic intent of all parties of the alliances. This makes Citibank to work towards balancing the strategic needs of the E-business with the security of the online banking/ e-banking services and to also improve the accessibility of information that is required to leverage the robust e-banking and e-business that is available within the banking group (Citigroup report,2009) . Therefore, it is important for Citibank to improve its business models of value stream, revenue stream and logistics stream through consolidation of the alliances. This will also make Citibank to meet the current and future challenges of the e-business and to improve the internal logistics are aligned towards continuous improvement of Information and communication t echnology (ICT). The previous investments in ICT have led to an increase in revenue and increase in customer base. Customer focused products The continuous introduction of new banking products such as smart banking cards, telephone banking services, online accounts accessibility and other new products has made the bank to gain competitive and strategic advantages over other banks. The bank is wholly committed to new products introduction and this can be possible through continuous improvements in IT and e-business. Improvement of Citibanks legal framework Since, the beginning of 2007, most of the banking corporations had begun using the new legal model framework for assessing the SWIFTNet. . This utilises the use of the SCORE model for laying down rule for messages (Ali farhoomand, 2008). Therefore, the introduction of the SCORE model will enable the corporate bank to reduce risks and therefore there is need to improve and build this model so as to gain strategic advantages over other banks and other competitors. Therefore risk management and legal compliance were introduced as priorities in year 2008 for all the banks and Citibank adjusted its banking operations so as to reduce all the operational risks across its banking operations. The banks now introduce and develop integrated information systems for consolidating the existing structures to reduce the risks and to avoid the breach of any data transfer. Transformation of Citibanks e-Business strategy New improvements in the banking and trading operations are necessary so as to maintain the vision of Citibank. Operations such as Transactions processing such as cash management, trade finances, and derivatives must be maintained through the adoption of new strategies which are very important for the corporate customers and other customers Improvement in new competitive infrastructures to develop and sustain new products Citibank enhances its new product development through Information and communication Technology by investing in millions of dollars for new infrastructures(Ali Farhoomand, 2008) and also for new products development of different ranges and to improve its customer service functions (Tawfik Jelassi et al, 2008) . The use of e-payment by Citibank customers has improved its banking operations and the bank must sustain this by adopting latest technologies while engaging in costs reduction services that will reduce all operational costs and maintain high profitability within the firm. Better Internal management processes It is very important for Citibank to introduce and implement better internal management processes in order to remain competitive and sustain global leadership in the area of e-business operations in the banking industry (Ali Farhoomand, 2008). The internal management that must be implemented should include continuous development programme for employees, better and faster internal information sharing through e-mails, use of video conferencing foe meetings across the regions in order to save costs and time (Ali Farhoomand, 2008). There should also be better work-group information flow and communication must be enhanced so as to prevent resistance in the formulation and implementation of new policies, ideas and new systems that could enhance the growth of the company through e-business applications. This will make the internal management very strong and competent in the use of any latest technologies due to their continuous development and training which would have acquaint them with al l new technologies The other strategies that could enhance the operations of Citibank current and future strategies include the use of M-commerce (Mobile commerce) and it can be applied in following ways: -Financial services Mobile banking should be improved and promoted by Citibank and this includes the use of hand held devices to access accounts, monitor accounts and pay bills. Trading and Brokerage services (where stock quotes can be easily displayed and trading conducted from the same hand held devices). This will create faster banking and trading services and it has improved Citibanks operations -Telecommunications- The use of telephone banking has been successful in the e-business applications of Citibank through the one-touch telephone banking that was introduced. However, new telecommunication systems such as the hand-help mobile phones should be digitalised and be able to connect to the banking telephone customer services in order to get access to accounts and other banking products but however, this should come with good security systems Improvement of information services- Information delivery to customers should be made through e-mails to save time and costs. It should also be done in prints journals, for old customers who cannot operate computers and promotions about new products should be advertised online and in television also so as to reach a wider audience of customers globally. The implementation of social corporate responsibility (CSR) for Citibank Due to the continuous growth of Citibank especially in the existing, new and corporate markets, it is important that the bank be engaged in corporate social responsibility (CSR) as it has always practised in many countries such as assisting in building social infrastructures in many countries such as Malaysia, China, Singapore, India, and United Arab Emirates (UAE), Japan etc. In other areas of corporate social responsibility (CSR), Citibank has a long standing commitment to make the communities where they operate better places to live and work. Citibank has employed good initiatives geared towards improving the lives of members of the communities and countries where they operate. The Citibank s CSR raises the quality of life , families and institutions and thus strengthening the communities. Citibank promotes educations, youth education and social entrepreneurship and employee volunteerism Adherence to political environments in all areas of establishments For Citibank to keep up with its competitiveness, it must adhere to the financial laws and regulations in different political environments. Most developing countries wants the banks to invest in their countries in order to provide employments for their citizens and they also want the banks and other Multinational companies (MNCs) to apply their corporate social responsibility so that their communities can benefits from the investors gain Comparison of other financial institutions e-strategies Case study: Barclays Bank Plc Barclays Bank is one of the third largest financial institutions in the United Kingdom and the seventh global bank with high capitalisation, customer base, and good geographical positioning in the world. The implementation of e-business technologies has advanced the bank to become the top five global banks with strategies implementations of web based applications. In 2004, Barclays bank was the first bank in the united Kingdom to launch an online banking system where customers can have access to their accounts, manage the accounts while also paying and receiving money. Since 2004, it has applied continuous improvement and new development in its Informati

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Selbstüberschreitung: Jonas Cohns Wertphilosophie und Pädagogik vor dem Hintergrund der Ethik Friedrich Nietzsches :: German Essays

Selbstà ¼berschreitung: Jonas Cohns Wertphilosophie und Pà ¤dagogik vor dem Hintergrund der Ethik Friedrich Nietzsches ABSTRACT: Teaching philosophy and pedagogy at the University of Freiburg from 1897 to 1933, Jonas Cohn fought mainly against Friedrich Nietzsche and the influence of the ethics of Nietzsche on the youth of his time. A declaration made by Cohn in the Preface of his Science of Value (1932) shows this: "The title 'science of value' means polemics, too: I fight against all, who following Nietzsche deny the possibility of a science of value." But this opposition to Nietzsche and to his followers is not the only aspect of Cohn's relation to Nietzsche. On the other side, Cohn attempted to integrate some of the important traits of Nietzsche's ethic in his own conception of philosophy and pedagogics. The expression "self-transcendence" (Selbstà ¼berschreitung) stands for this ambition of Cohn. This can be demonstrated by some biographical data and by the interpretation of Cohn's philosophy of value. "'Wertwissenschaft' ist auch polemisch gemeint: Ich kà ¤mpfe gegen alle, die im Gefolge Nietzsches eine Wissenschaft vom Werte leugnen." - Diese eindeutige Erklà ¤rung stellte der reife Jonas Cohn, Philosoph und Erziehungswissenschaftler an der Università ¤t Freiburg von 1897 bis 1933, seiner "Wertwissenschaft" von 1932, seinem Hauptwerke, im Vorwort voran. Hat Jonas Cohn seine Lebensarbeit gegen Friedrich Nietzsche und dessen Wirkung ausgerichtet? Ich mà ¶chte diese, von Cohn selbst nahegelegte, Auffassung relativieren und aufweisen, daß Cohns Wertphilosophie und Erziehungslehre trotz weitreichender Differenzen Zà ¼ge Nietzschischen Geistes aufgenommen hat. Der Titel und Grundbegriff der Cohnschen Ethik "Selbstà ¼berschreitung" signalisiert nicht nur Parallelità ¤t und Nà ¤he zu Nietzsche; "Selbstà ¼berschreitung zeigt auch an, daß Cohn Intentionen Nietzsches, Momente des fà ¼r Nietzsche signifikanten Begriffs der "Selbstà ¼berwindung" in seine "objektive Wertlehre" à ¼bergefà ¼hrt hat. Ich werde zunà ¤chst anhand einiger biographischer Daten die Bedeutung Nietzsches fà ¼r Cohn wahrscheinlich machen, bevor der Inhalt der Wertphilosophie und Ethik Cohns selbst kurz zur Sprache kommen soll. Drei Momente sind auszufà ¼hren, die Cohn in seiner Biographie mit Nietzsche konfrontierten: Zeitliche und à ¶rtliche Nà ¤he zu Nietzsche und die persà ¶nliche Begegnung mit Denkern, die Cohn beeinflußten. Jonas Cohn (1869-1947) studierte nach einem glà ¤nzenden Abitur in Berlin (1888) zunà ¤chst in Leipzig, Heidelberg und Berlin Naturwissenschaft und promovierte mit einer experimentellen Arbeit in Botanik in Berlin 1892 zum Doktor der Philosophie. Nach der Promotion in Botanik wandte sich Cohn dem engeren Gebieten der Philosophie zu, ohne dabei zu unterlassen, seinem "geistigen Leben durch empirische Einzelarbeit gleichsam einen festen Unterbau zu schaffen". (SD, (1) S. 6) Diesen empirischen Unterbau erwarb sich Cohn in der experimentellen Psychologie bei Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) und Oswald Kà ¼lpe (1862-1915) in Leipzig, wo Cohn in den Jahren 1892 bis 94 am Psychologischen Institut arbeitete.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Can leaders be flexible Essay

Yes, I do believe that leaders can be flexible in the way they interact with others, or change their behaviors or personalities so to suit the situation. Also, they might need to focus on followers needs/behaviors or their level of readiness by changing or shifting behavioral their leadership style. One theory might describe and support this concept is the situational leadership theory which requires leaders to center their leadership style or behaviors according to their followers level. This theory was initially created by Hersey and Blanchard (1969) and has approaches that concern for people productions as well as shows that there is no one best style of behavior for a leader (Norris, 1992). Most importantly, the situational theory require leader to adjust his behavior and leadership style to features of followers and situation. Therefore, it might be important to look at the four styles described by Hersey and Blanchard to identify the situations that any leader might have to change his style or behavior. There are situations where leader might have to be flexible with his followers by giving them less responsibly and delegation of tasks due to their lack of knowledge/experience, or if they are newly hired etc. the leader in this case might need to utilize the †telling style† whereby there is more of directing and controlling of leader to his followers. In this behavioral style, leader’s role involves telling his follower on what and how to perform their tasks step by step. In my working experience, for example, I tend to use this style when training people whom are newly hired or inexperienced and require a lot of assistance or hints when in doubt. I might sometimes need to †spill out the responsibilities† or duties for perform to make sure that they are still on focus. Knowing that differences between tasks and relationships behaviors as described in Hughes et al (1996), I agree that the telling style does have high task and low relationship with followers because followers in this stage are unable to perform any delegated tasks and that means should be giving detailed instructions. Another situational and behavioral style is the selling style whereby the leader is acting both as a director and supporter toward his followers. This style might be more effective if followers are delegated toward some responsibility and have an adequate knowledge of performing their tasks. The leader in this case is only giving directions and guideline when any deviation is observed. In term of skills and ability, the leader is also to promote his followers’ skills throughout. Because of that, it ca be said that in this behavioral style, the leader is †coaching† i.e. there is higher tasks delegation and higher relationship with followers. In the participating style, the leader exercises low tasks delegations but high relationship with followers. This is because in this style the main role of leader is to facilitate the delegated tasks to his followers by showing his knowledge or skills on †how best can this be done†. Bearing in mind the level of communication is high in this style which enables follower to share in the decision making process as applicable. This behavioral style might best be used is when followers are starting or completing a job (Hughes et al, 2006). The last situational style is the †delegating style† whereby there is little two side communication between the leader and his followers (low-task- low relationship). This style might be implemented when leader is aware of his followers’ knowledge, ability, confidence, experience and most importantly taking higher responsibilities. To this extend, followers are able to direct them selves with no control from their leader. Although, leaders in this style are like an observers whereby they have less influence on their followers’ and less control. However, leader might also need to consider followers development level/their readiness level and competence. Followers’ competence might include their knowledge, skills and ability to assess the work outcome. Therefore, leader might have to respond or change his behavior in such way that fits the situation. He can classify his people to stages such as: · People are able and willing to take tasks (competent).  · People are unable and unwilling to take tasks (incompetents) · People are unable but willing to take tasks (unskilled).  · People are able but unwilling tasks (unmotivated). So to summarize, it can be seen that the situational leadership theory presented by Hersey and Blanchard focuses on the followers behaviors and define what style is best to suit any situation. Also, it highlights the level of responsibilities delegated as well as the degree of relationship between leaders and followers. Put into practice, situation leadership theory is basically effective with any situation. Moreover, it seems that the situational theory answer the question that leader might need to change their behavior and be flexible with followers as that depends on situation and circumstances. In other words, leaders might need to adjust them selves all the time depending on the working environment and follower level of readiness (Norris, 1992). And as the Hersey and Blanchard theory, they should always change their personality or be able to identify clues in their environment and adapt their leader behavior to meet the needs of their followers in any particular situation (). Vecchio and Norris agrees that ,even with good diagnostic skills, leader might need to be flexible in changing their behavior and adapt their leadership styles that meet that demand of both the followers and environment. Reference: Norris, R., & Vecchio, R 1992 Situational leadership theory. Group & Organization Management. Hughes, R.L., Ginnet, R.C., & Curphy, G.J. (2006). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience. 5th ed. New York. McGraw-Hill